Workshops and seminars

Our workshops and seminars aim to broaden our member's perspectives on ethical and environmental issues. We believe that all of us should reflect around the impact our actions can have on societies, environment and people’s lives. We take both a local and global perspective on how we as engineers or scientists can have an impact on our respective fields of competence. At the same time, we want to inspire our members and others to take actions for a sustainable future. We do this through workshops, seminars, lectures, debates and exhibitions.

Workshop and case study: How can the Nordic countries become more self-sufficient in vegetable production?

The Reflective Engineer Team together with the company Ljusgårda held a workshop on the subject indoor planting. It highlighted the importance of Nordic countries to become more self-sufficient on vegetables and how indoor planting is one solution. The participants were provided with a case from Ljusgårda on how to solve a problem regarding the system for water supply for the plants. The visitors got to try this technique for themselves using some equipment brought by Ljusgårda and a PET-bottle.


 Inspiration lunch: Engineering for Mayan students 

Sofie Folkesson informed about the organization. Engineering for Mayan students, which she started together with Sabina Nordén. Both of them have taken a break from their engineering studies to plan and lead a refurbishment and expansion of a girls school in Guatemala – using thousands of old pet bottles! A perfect example of how engineering skills can be used to make a positive difference in the world.

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Panel discussion: Artificial Intelligence

A mix of participants from the private sector and scientists, discussed around the theme “Artificial intelligence – exciting or terrifying?”